starknet-jvm 0.12.2 API
Starknet-jvm is a library allowing for easy interaction with the Starknet JSON-RPC nodes, including querying starknet state, executing transactions and deploying contracts.
Although written in Kotlin, Starknet-jvm has been created with compatibility with Java in mind.
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Create an account interface
Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x13241455");
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x425125");
Account account = new StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);
// Make a request
Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x42362362436");
Felt storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x13241253414");
Request<Felt> request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST);
Felt response = request.send();
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider
fun main() {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Create an account interface
val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1052524524")
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x4232362662")
val account = StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey)
// Make a request
val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x423623626")
val storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x132412414")
val request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST)
val response = request.send()
It is also possible to make asynchronous requests. Request.sendAsync()
returns a CompletableFuture
that can be than handled in preferred way.
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Create an account interface
Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x13241455");
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x425125");
Account account = new StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);
// Make a request
Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x42362362436");
Felt storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x13241253414");
Request<Felt> request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST);
CompletableFuture<Felt> response = request.sendAsync();
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider
fun main() {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Create an account interface
val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1052524524")
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x4232362662")
val account = StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey)
// Make an asynchronous request
val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x423623626")
val storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x132412414")
val request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST)
val future = request.sendAsync()
future.thenAccept { println(it) }
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.crypto.StarknetCurve;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Create an account interface
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
Felt publicKey = StarknetCurve.getPublicKey(privateKey);
// Use the class hash of the desired account contract (i.e. the class hash of OpenZeppelin account contract)
Felt classHash = Felt.fromHex("0x058d97f7d76e78f44905cc30cb65b91ea49a4b908a76703c54197bca90f81773");
Felt salt = new Felt(789);
List<Felt> calldata = List.of(publicKey);
Felt address = ContractAddressCalculator.calculateAddressFromHash(
Account account = new StandardAccount(address, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);
Felt maxFee = Felt.fromHex("0x11fcc58c7f7000"); // should be 10*fee from estimate deploy account fee
// Make sure to prefund the address with at least maxFee
// Create and sign deploy account transaction
DeployAccountTransactionPayload payload = account.signDeployAccount(
DeployAccountResponse response = provider.deployAccount(payload).send();
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Create an account interface
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
val publicKey = StarknetCurve.getPublicKey(privateKey)
// Use the class hash of desired account contract (i.e. the class hash of OpenZeppelin account contract)
val classHash = Felt.fromHex("0x058d97f7d76e78f44905cc30cb65b91ea49a4b908a76703c54197bca90f81773")
val salt = Felt(789)
val calldata = listOf(publicKey)
val address = ContractAddressCalculator.calculateAddressFromHash(
classHash = classHash,
calldata = calldata,
salt = salt,
val account = StandardAccount(
val payload = account.signDeployAccount(
classHash = classHash,
salt = salt,
calldata = calldata,
maxFee = Felt.fromHex("0x11fcc58c7f7000"), // should be 10*fee from estimate deploy account fee
// Create and sign deploy account transaction
val response = provider.deployAccount(payload).send()
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Set up an account
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);
Felt recipientAccountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x987654321");
Uint256 amount = new Uint256(new Felt(451));
// Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7");
// Create a call
List<Felt> calldata = List.of(recipientAccountAddress, amount.getLow(), amount.getHigh()); // amount is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
Call call = new Call(contractAddress, "transfer", calldata);
// Estimate fee for the invoke transaction
Felt estimateFee = account.estimateFee(List.of(call)).send().get(0).getOverallFee();
// Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the transaction fee and the amount to be transferred
// Create and sign invoke transaction
Request<InvokeFunctionResponse> request = account.execute(call);
// Send the transaction
InvokeFunctionResponse response = request.send();
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Set up an account
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider)
val recipientAccountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x987654321")
// Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the transaction fee and the amount to be transferred
// account.execute(Call) estimates the fee automatically
// If you want to estimate the fee manually, please refer to the "Estimate Fee" example
val amount = Uint256(Felt(451))
// Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7")
// Create a call
val calldata = listOf(recipientAccountAddress, amount.low, amount.high) // amount is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
val call = Call(
contractAddress = contractAddress,
entrypoint = "transfer",
calldata = calldata,
// Estimate fee for the invoke transaction
val estimateFee = account.estimateFee(listOf(call)).send().first().overallFee
// Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the transaction fee and the amount to be transferred
// Create and sign invoke transaction
val request = account.execute(call)
// Send the transaction
val response = request.send()
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Set up an account
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and key are for demonstration purposes only.
Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);
// Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7");
// Create a call
List<Felt> calldata = List.of(account.getAddress());
Call call = new Call(contractAddress, "balanceOf", calldata);
Request<List<Felt>> request = provider.callContract(call);
// Send the call request
List<Felt> response = request.send();
// Output value's type is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
Uint256 balance = new Uint256(response.get(0), response.get(1));
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Set up an account
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider)
// Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7")
// Create a call
val calldata = listOf(account.address)
val call = Call(
contractAddress = contractAddress,
entrypoint = "balanceOf",
calldata = calldata,
val request = provider.callContract(call)
// Send the call request
val response: List<Felt> = request.send()
//Output value's type is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
val balance = Uint256(
low = response[0],
high = response[1],
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
JsonRpcProvider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Get the chain ID
StarknetChainId chainId = provider.getChainId().send();
// Set up an account
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and key are for demonstration purposes only.
Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, chainId, Felt.ZERO);
// Specify the contract addresses, in this example ETH ERC20 contracts are used
Felt contractAddress1 = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7");
Felt contractAddress2 = Felt.fromHex("0x05dcf20d87407f0f7a6bd081a2cee990b19c77ebf31c8b0ddd5a6f931af21e0c");
// Create multiple calls
List<Felt> calldata = List.of(account.getAddress());
Call call1 = new Call(contractAddress1, "balanceOf", calldata);
Call call2 = new Call(contractAddress2, "balanceOf", calldata);
// Create a batch request and send it
List<List<Felt>> response = provider.batchRequests(
// Access output values from the batch response
Uint256 balance1 = new Uint256(response.get(0).get(0), response.get(0).get(1));
Uint256 balance2 = new Uint256(response.get(1).get(0), response.get(1).get(1));
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
val chainId = provider.getChainId().send()
// Set up an account
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, chainId)
// Specify the contract addresses, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
val contractAddress1 = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7")
val contractAddress2 = Felt.fromHex("0x05dcf20d87407f0f7a6bd081a2cee990b19c77ebf31c8b0ddd5a6f931af21e0c")
// Create multiple calls
val calldata = listOf(account.address)
val call1 = Call(
contractAddress = contractAddress1,
entrypoint = "balanceOf",
calldata = calldata,
val call2 = Call(
contractAddress = contractAddress2,
entrypoint = "balanceOf",
calldata = calldata,
// Create a batch request
val batchRequest = provider.batchRequests(
// Send the batch call request
val batchResponse = batchRequest.send()
// Access output values from batch the response
val balance1 = Uint256(
low = batchResponse[0].getOrThrow()[0],
high = batchResponse[0].getOrThrow()[1],
val balance2 = Uint256(
low = batchResponse[1].getOrThrow()[0],
high = batchResponse[1].getOrThrow()[1],
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
JsonRpcProvider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Create requests
Request<Transaction> txRequest1 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0123"));
Request<Transaction> txRequest2 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0456"));
Request<GetTransactionStatusResponse> txStatusRequest = provider.getTransactionStatus(Felt.fromHex("0x0789"));
Request<BlockWithTransactionHashes> blockWithTxHashesRequest = provider.getBlockWithTxHashes(Felt.fromHex("0x0abc"));
// Create a batch request of different types and send it
List<Object> response = provider.batchRequestsAny(
// Access output values from the response
Transaction tx1 = (Transaction) response.get(0);
Transaction tx2 = (Transaction) response.get(1);
GetTransactionStatusResponse txStatus = (GetTransactionStatusResponse) response.get(2);
BlockWithTransactionHashes blockWithTxHashes = (BlockWithTransactionHashes) response.get(3);
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Create requests
val txRequest1 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0123"))
val txRequest2 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0456"))
val txStatusRequest = provider.getTransactionStatus(Felt.fromHex("0x0789"))
val blockWithTxHashesRequest = provider.getBlockWithTxHashes(Felt.fromHex("0x0abc"))
val batchRequest = provider.batchRequestsAny(
// Send the batch request
val response = batchRequest.send()
// Access output values from the response
val tx1 = response[0].getOrThrow() as Transaction
val tx2 = response[1].getOrThrow() as Transaction
val txStatus = response[2].getOrThrow() as GetTransactionStatusResponse
val blockWithTxHashes = response[3].getOrThrow() as BlockWithTransactionHashes
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
// Set up an account
Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x1234");
Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key are for demonstration purposes only.
Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);
// Import a compiled contract
Path contractPath = Paths.get("contract.json");
Path casmPath = Paths.get("contract.casm");
String contractCode = String.join("", Files.readAllLines(contractPath));
String casmCode = String.join("", Files.readAllLines(casmPath));
Cairo1ContractDefinition contractDefinition = new Cairo1ContractDefinition(contractCode);
CasmContractDefinition casmContractDefinition = new CasmContractDefinition(casmCode);
Felt nonce = account.getNonce().send();
// Estimate fee for declaring a contract
DeclareTransactionV2Payload declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate = account.signDeclare(contractDefinition, casmContractDefinition, new ExecutionParams(nonce, new Felt(1000000000000000L)), false);
Request<List<EstimateFeeResponse>> feeEstimateRequest = provider.getEstimateFee(List.of(declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate));
Felt feeEstimate = feeEstimateRequest.send().get(0).getOverallFee();
// Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the fee for declare transaction
// Declare a contract
Felt maxFee = new Felt(feeEstimate.getValue().multiply(BigInteger.TWO)); // Sometimes the actual fee may be higher than value from estimateFee
ExecutionParams params = new ExecutionParams(nonce, maxFee);
DeclareTransactionV2Payload declareTransactionPayload = account.signDeclare(contractDefinition, casmContractDefinition, params, false);
Request<DeclareResponse> request = provider.declareContract(declareTransactionPayload);
DeclareResponse response = request.send();
Felt hash = response.getTransactionHash(); // Hash of the transaction that declares a contract
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
// Set up an account
val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x1234")
val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key are for demonstration purposes only.
val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider)
// Import a compiled contract
val contractCode = Path.of("contract.json").readText()
val casmCode = Path.of("contract.casm").readText()
val contractDefinition = Cairo1ContractDefinition(contractCode)
val casmContractDefinition = CasmContractDefinition(casmCode)
val nonce = account.getNonce().send()
// Estimate fee for declaring a contract
val declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate = account.signDeclare(
sierraContractDefinition = contractDefinition,
casmContractDefinition = casmContractDefinition,
params = ExecutionParams(nonce, Felt(1000000000000000L)),
val feeEstimateRequest = provider.getEstimateFee(listOf(declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate))
val feeEstimate = feeEstimateRequest.send().first().overallFee
// Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the fee for declare transaction
// Declare a contract
val maxFee = Felt(feeEstimate.value.multiply(BigInteger.TWO)) // Sometimes the actual fee may be higher than value from estimateFee
val params = ExecutionParams(
nonce = nonce,
maxFee = maxFee,
val declareTransactionPayload = account.signDeclare(
sierraContractDefinition = contractDefinition,
casmContractDefinition = casmContractDefinition,
params = params,
val request = provider.declareContract(declareTransactionPayload)
val response = request.send()
See: Description
Package | Description |
com.swmansion.starknet.account | Account interface used to simplify preparing, signing Starknet transactions and automatic fee estimation. |
com.swmansion.starknet.crypto | Cryptography and signature related classes. | | Data classes representing Starknet objects and utilities for handling them. | | Data classes representing Starknet objects. | | |
com.swmansion.starknet.deployercontract | Classes for interacting with Universal Deployer Contract (UDC). |
com.swmansion.starknet.provider | Provider interface and its implementations. |
com.swmansion.starknet.provider.exceptions | Exceptions thrown by the Starknet providers. |
com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc | Provider implementing the JSON RPC interface to communicate with the network. |
com.swmansion.starknet.service.http | Http service used to communicate with Starknet. |
com.swmansion.starknet.service.http.requests | |
com.swmansion.starknet.signer | Signer interface and its implementations. |