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Understanding protostar.toml

Protostar can be configured with file protostar.toml, which is located in the root of your project. The file uses the TOML format and allows you to specify various options and settings for Protostar.

Here is an example protostar.toml file:

protostar.toml example
protostar-version = "PROTOSTAR_VERSION"

# Defines contract names for the use with cheatcodes and commands
hello_starknet = ["hello_starknet"]

# Per command configuration profile
target = ["tests/integration"]
report-slowest-tests = 5

# Shared configration profile
gateway-url = ""
chain-id = 1536727068981429685321

network = "testnet"

[project] section

The [project] section of the protostar.toml file allows you to specify global options and settings for your project.


This attribute defines which Protostar version should be used with your project.

[contracts] section

Define packages containing contracts to be used by Protostar commands like declare and by cheatcodes.

my_contract = ["my_contract_package/src"]
other_contract = ["other_contract_package/src"]

Notice that a value assigned to a contract name key is always a path to src folder of a package defining the contract.

Command Arguments Configuration Section

This section of the protostar.toml file allows you to specify arguments for a specific Protostar command.

For example, you can define a different build dir for the build

Configuration File
compiled-contracts-dir = "my_dir"

These arguments will be automatically used when running a command.

Configuration Profiles

Configuration profiles allow you to easily switch between different Protostar configurations. When you use a profile, it will override the default settings specified in the protostar.toml file with the settings specified in the profile.

To create a configuration profile, add a new section to the protostar.toml. For example:

  • to create a configuration named mainnet for the declare command, add [profile.mainnet.declare] section
  • to create a shared configuration named testnet, add [profile.testnet.project] section

To use a profile, add the -p or --profile argument followed by the name of the profile. For example, to use the declare command with the testnet profile, run:

protostar -p testnet declare