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fn start_spoof(contract_address: felt252, mock: TxInfoMock) nopanic;

Changes TxInfo returned by get_tx_info() for the targeted contract until the spoof is stopped with stop_spoof.

  • contract_address address of the contract for which get_tx_info() result will be mocked.
  • TxInfoMock - a struct with same structure as TxInfo (returned by get_tx_info()),

To mock the field of TxInfo, set the corresponding field of TxInfoMock to Some(mocked_value). Setting the field to None will use a default value - the field will not be mocked. Using None will also cancel current mock for that field. See below for practical example.

struct TxInfoMock {
version: Option<felt252>,
account_contract_address: Option<felt252>,
max_fee: Option<u128>,
signature: Option<Array<felt252>>,
transaction_hash: Option<felt252>,
chain_id: Option<felt252>,
nonce: Option<felt252>,

trait TxInfoMockTrait {
// Returns a default object initialized with Option::None for each field
fn default() -> TxInfoMock;
Contract example
mod SimpleContract {
use box::BoxTrait;
use starknet::info::get_tx_info;

struct Storage {
stored_hash: felt252

fn store_tx_hash() {
let tx_info = get_tx_info().unbox();

fn get_stored_tx_hash() -> felt252 {
Test example
use array::ArrayTrait;
use result::ResultTrait;
use cheatcodes::TxInfoMockTrait;
use option::OptionTrait;

fn test_start_spoof() {
let contract_address = deploy_contract('simple', @ArrayTrait::new()).unwrap();
let version_before_mock = call(contract_address, 'get_transaction_version', @ArrayTrait::new()).unwrap();

// Change transaction_hash to 1234
// All other fields of `TxInfo` remain unchanged
let mut tx_info = TxInfoMockTrait::default();
tx_info.transaction_hash = Option::Some(1234);
start_spoof(contract_address, tx_info);

// Stores tx_hash in contract storage
invoke(contract_address, 'store_tx_hash', @ArrayTrait::new()).unwrap();
// Retrieve stored tx_hash
let return_data = call(contract_address, 'get_stored_tx_hash', @ArrayTrait::new()).unwrap();
assert(* == 1234, *;

// Verify that only transaction_hash has been mocked
let return_data = call(contract_address, 'get_transaction_version', @ArrayTrait::new()).unwrap();
assert(* == *, *;