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Version: 1.x

Declarative Animation API

Invoking animation differs from the way it is done when using the original Animated API. Here, instead of having animation objects we operate on nodes that can perform single animation steps. In order to map an animation into a value, we will make the value to be assigned to a node that among few other things will call into the animation step node. Check timing, decay and spring nodes documentation for some details about how animation step nodes can be configured.

The example below shows a component that renders:

import Animated, { Easing } from 'react-native-reanimated';

const {
} = Animated;

function runTiming(clock, value, dest) {
const state = {
finished: new Value(0),
position: new Value(0),
time: new Value(0),
frameTime: new Value(0),

const config = {
duration: 5000,
toValue: new Value(0),
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.ease),

return block([
// if the clock is already running we update the toValue, in case a new dest has been passed in
set(config.toValue, dest),
// if the clock isn't running we reset all the animation params and start the clock
set(state.finished, 0),
set(state.time, 0),
set(state.position, value),
set(state.frameTime, 0),
set(config.toValue, dest),
// we run the step here that is going to update position
timing(clock, state, config),
// if the animation is over we stop the clock
cond(state.finished, debug('stop clock', stopClock(clock))),
// we made the block return the updated position

export class AnimatedBox extends Component {
// we create a clock node
clock = new Clock();
// and use runTiming method defined above to create a node that is going to be mapped
// to the translateX transform.
transX = runTiming(this.clock, -120, 120);

render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
style={[, { transform: [{ translateX: this.transX }] }]}

Backward compatible API

As it might sometimes be impractical to use the API above, there's an alternative way of invoking animation, which is similar to the original Animated API.

class Example extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this._transX = new Value(0);
this._config = {
duration: 5000,
toValue: 120,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.ease),
this._anim = timing(this._transX, this._config);

render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
style={[, { transform: [{ translateX: this._transX }] }]}
onPress={() => {

This API gives the possibility to use animation with original Animated API. It's also a way of running animation on some interaction without necessity or rerendering view.

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