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React Native

Beyond the limitations

Why Reanimated?


Reanimated comes with declarative API for creating animations. Complexity reduced from tens of methods to just a few. Define what the animation should look like and leave Reanimated to animate the styles and properties for you.


Reanimated lets you define animations in plain JavaScript which run natively on the UI thread by default. Smooth animations and interactions up to 120 fps and beyond. Reanimated delivers a native experience your users deserve.


Reanimated’s power doesn’t end on animating only simple views or images. Hook your animations into device sensors or keyboard. Create amazing experiences using Layout Animations or animate elements between navigation screens with ease.

Learn more about the features in the newest article about Reanimated 3

See blog post


Animate every React Native prop on iOS, Android and the Web up to 120 fps.

function App() {
const width = useSharedValue(100);
const handlePress = () => {
width.value = withSpring(width.value + 50);
return <Animated.View style={{, width }} />


Gesture smoothly thanks to Reanimated’s integration with React Native Gesture Handler.

import { Gesture, GestureDetector } from ?"react-native-gesture-handler";

function App() {
const pan = Gesture.Pan();

return (
<GestureDetector gesture={pan}>
<Animated.View />

Layout animations

Animate views when they are added and removed from the view hierarchy. Just like that.

function App() {
return <Animated.View entering={FadeIn} exiting={FadeOut} />;

Sensor-based animations

Connect your animations to a gyroscope or accelerometer with just one hook. It’s that easy.

const gyroscope = useAnimatedSensor(SensorType.GYROSCOPE);

useDerivedValue(() => {
const { x, y, z } = gyroscope.sensor.value;

Keyboard-based animations

Create animations based on the device keyboard state and position.

function App() {
const keyboard = useAnimatedKeyboard();
const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
transform: [{ translateY: -keyboard.height.value }],

Shared Element Transitions

Seamlessly animate elements between navigation screens with a single line of code.

function App() {
return <Animated.View sharedTransitionTag="hero-element" />


We are Software Mansion

React Native Core Contributors and experts in dealing with all kinds of React Native issues. No matter if you need help with gestures, animations or React Native development we can help.