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Deploying new contracts


Protostar supports deploying smart contracts to a given network with the protostar deploy command.

It works by invoking a Universal Deployer Contract, which deploys the contract with the given class hash and constructor arguments.

The basic inputs needed for this command are:

  • Class hash of the declared contract class, that you want to deploy
  • Network you want to target (i.e. its name or gateway URL)

Read the CLI reference for the deploy command to learn more about all supported arguments.

Usage example

After declaring your contract, you can deploy the contract in the following way.

protostar deploy 0xdeadbeef \
--network testnet \
--account-address 0x0481Eed2e02b1ff19Fd32429801f28a59DEa630d81189E39c80F2F60139b381a \
--max-fee auto \
--private-key-path ./.pkey
[INFO] Invoke transaction was sent to the Universal Deployer Contract.
Contract address: 0x06a5ea9e42c921bd58e24b8da9d1fc91a488df0700b173f1c6bb0e453f68afec
Transaction hash: 0x1cbba90ba0d1fbfba09b1f7a0f987134dd9a02a845ca89244b3272374d37ede

Deploying a contract is a transaction must be signed and requires paying a fee, similarly to how invoke transaction does. See signing for more details.


If you need to print machine-readable output in JSON format, you should use --json flag.

This may come in handy for writing scripts that include Protostar commands.

For more information, go to this page