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Invoking contracts


This command allows you to send an invoke transaction to Starknet.

The basic inputs that you need for the commands are:

  • Signing credentials
  • Contract address
  • Function name
  • Inputs to the function
  • Fee specification (concrete amount, or auto-estimation)
  • Network you want to target (i.e. its name or gateway URL)

For detailed API description, see invoke command reference.


Credentials for paying the fee are needed, which are:

  • Account address (which pays the fee) - - in hex (prefixed with '0x') or decimal representation.
  • Private key for that account (from ArgentX, Braavos etc.) - in hex (prefixed with '0x') or decimal representation. This can be provided with PROTOSTAR_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY env variable or with a file on local filesystem containing that key in plaintext, in which case you should use --private-key-path.

Custom signing logic is made possible by using custom signers - see details here.

Usage example

protostar invoke \
--contract-address 0x4a739ab73aa3cac01f9da5d55f49fb67baee4919224454a2e3f85b16462a911 \
--function "setter_tester_success" \
--network testnet \
--account-address 0x0481Eed2e02b1ff19Fd32429801f28a59DEa630d81189E39c80F2F60139b381a \
--max-fee auto \
--inputs 3 \
--private-key-path ./.pkey
Invoke transaction was sent.
Transaction hash: 0x05d2362b9b5a5aba8a02a41d2f1fcbdc06cde89f90cf33c0ea4957846c86aeef

To avoid having to repeat --account-address and --private-key-path in every command, they can be included in protostar.toml configuration profiles. See this page for more details.


Setting max-fee to auto is discouraged as it may cause very high transaction cost. Always prefer manually specifying the max-fee.


If you need to print machine-readable output in JSON format, you should use --json flag.

This may come in handy for writing scripts that include Protostar commands.

For more information, go to this page