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Compiling a Project with Protostar


Compiling Cairo 0 contracts is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Consider migrating your contracts to Cairo 1.


Compiling Cairo 0 contracts has recently been renamed to build-cairo0.

To compile your Starknet contracts using Protostar, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the contracts and their corresponding Cairo source files in the protostar.toml configuration file. Each Cairo file that contains an entrypoint function should be listed in the contracts section of the configuration file. An entrypoint is a function decorated with @constructor, @external, @view, or @l1_handler. If a Cairo file is imported by a file that is already included in the contracts section, it does not need to be listed separately. For example:
# ...
main = ["./src/main.cairo"]
proxy = ["./src/proxy.cairo"]
  1. Run the protostar build-cairo0 command. This will generate the compiled contracts in the build directory by default. You can specify a custom output directory using the compiled-contracts-dir argument.
$ protostar build-cairo0 --compiled-contracts-dir out

This will create the following files in the out directory:

├── src
│ ├── main.cairo
│ └── proxy.cairo
├── out
│ ├── main.json
│ ├── main_abi.json
│ ├── proxy.json
│ └── proxy_abi.json
└── protostar.toml

Checking cairo-lang version

Protostar ships with its own version of cairo-lang and formatter, so you don't need to set up the environment separately. You can check the version of Cairo-lang that Protostar uses to compile your project by running protostar -v.

$ protostar -v
Protostar version: X.Y.Z
Cairo-lang version: A.B.C
Cairo 1 compiler version: J.K.L