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Project initialization

To create a new Protostar project, you will need to run the protostar init command followed by the name of your project. For example:

protostar init your-project-name

This will create a new directory with the specified name, generate a configuration file named protostar.toml, and create example contract and test files in the src and tests directories, respectively.

The resulting project structure will be as follows:

├── src/
│ └── main.cairo
├── tests/
│ └── test_main.cairo
└── protostar.toml

The example contract file, main.cairo, and the example test file, test_main.cairo, serve as templates for your project.

The configuration file, protostar.toml, defines the root directory of your Protostar project.

Adapting an existing project to a Protostar project

If you already have an existing project that you want to adapt to a Protostar project, you can do so by adding a valid protostar.toml configuration file to the root of the project.

Alternatively, you can use the protostar init --existing command to generate a protostar.toml in your current working directory.