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The useVerticalOCR hook is currently in an experimental phase. We appreciate feedback from users as we continue to refine and enhance its functionality.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a computer vision technique used to detect and recognize text within images. It is commonly utilized to convert a variety of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. Traditionally, OCR technology has been optimized for recognizing horizontal text, and integrating support for vertical text recognition often requires significant additional effort from developers. To simplify this, we introduce useVerticalOCR, a tool designed to abstract the complexities of vertical text OCR, enabling seamless integration into your applications.


It is recommended to use models provided by us, which are available at our Hugging Face repository. You can also use constants shipped with our library.


import {
} from 'react-native-executorch';

function App() {
const model = useVerticalOCR({
detectorSources: {
detectorLarge: DETECTOR_CRAFT_1280,
detectorNarrow: DETECTOR_CRAFT_320,
recognizerSources: {
recognizerLarge: RECOGNIZER_EN_CRNN_512,
recognizerSmall: RECOGNIZER_EN_CRNN_64,
language: 'en',
independentCharacters: true,

for (const ocrDetection of await model.forward("https://url-to-image.jpg")) {
console.log("Bounding box: ", ocrDetection.bbox);
console.log("Bounding label: ", ocrDetection.text);
console.log("Bounding score: ", ocrDetection.score);

Type definitions

interface DetectorSources {
detectorLarge: string | number;
detectorNarrow: string | number;

interface RecognizerSources {
recognizerLarge: string | number;
recognizerSmall: string | number;

type OCRLanguage = 'en';

interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;

interface OCRDetection {
bbox: Point[];
text: string;
score: number;


detectorSources - An object that specifies the location of the detectors binary files. Each detector is composed of two models tailored to process images of varying widths.

  • detectorLarge - A string that specifies the location of the recognizer binary file which accepts input images with a width of 1280 pixels.
  • detectorNarrow - A string that specifies the location of the detector binary file which accepts input images with a width of 320 pixels.

For more information, take a look at loading models section.

recognizerSources - An object that specifies the locations of the recognizers binary files. Each recognizer is composed of two models tailored to process images of varying widths.

  • recognizerLarge - A string that specifies the location of the recognizer binary file which accepts input images with a width of 512 pixels.
  • recognizerSmall - A string that specifies the location of the recognizer binary file which accepts input images with a width of 64 pixels.

For more information, take a look at loading models section.

language - A parameter that specifies the language of the text to be recognized by the OCR.

independentCharacters – A boolean parameter that indicates whether the text in the image consists of a random sequence of characters. If set to true, the algorithm will scan each character individually instead of reading them as continuous text.


The hook returns an object with the following properties:

forward(input: string) => Promise<OCRDetection[]>A function that accepts an image (url, b64) and returns an array of OCRDetection objects.
errorstring | nullContains the error message if the model loading failed.
isGeneratingbooleanIndicates whether the model is currently processing an inference.
isReadybooleanIndicates whether the model has successfully loaded and is ready for inference.
downloadProgressnumberRepresents the download progress as a value between 0 and 1.

Running the model

To run the model, you can use the forward method. It accepts one argument, which is the image. The image can be a remote URL, a local file URI, or a base64-encoded image. The function returns an array of OCRDetection objects. Each object contains coordinates of the bounding box, the text recognized within the box, and the confidence score. For more information, please refer to the reference or type definitions.

Detection object

The detection object is specified as follows:

interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;

interface OCRDetection {
bbox: Point[];
text: string;
score: number;

The bbox property contains information about the bounding box of detected text regions. It is represented as four points, which are corners of detected bounding box. The text property contains the text recognized withinh detected text region. The score represents the confidence score of the recognized text.


import {
} from 'react-native-executorch';

function App() {
const model = useVerticalOCR({
detectorSources: {
detectorLarge: DETECTOR_CRAFT_1280,
detectorNarrow: DETECTOR_CRAFT_320,
recognizerSources: {
recognizerLarge: RECOGNIZER_EN_CRNN_512,
recognizerSmall: RECOGNIZER_EN_CRNN_64,
language: 'en',
independentCharacters: true,

const runModel = async () => {
const ocrDetections = await model.forward('https://url-to-image.jpg');

for (const ocrDetection of ocrDetections) {
console.log('Bounding box: ', ocrDetection.bbox);
console.log('Bounding text: ', ocrDetection.text);
console.log('Bounding score: ', ocrDetection.score);

Supported models



Model size


Memory usage

ModelAndroid (XNNPACK) [MB]iOS (XNNPACK) [MB]
CRAFT_1280 + CRAFT_320 + CRNN_EN_51227703720
CRAFT_1280 + CRAFT_320 + CRNN_EN_6417702740

Inference time


Times presented in the tables are measured as consecutive runs of the model. Initial run times may be up to 2x longer due to model loading and initialization.

ModeliPhone 16 Pro (XNNPACK) [ms]iPhone 14 Pro Max (XNNPACK) [ms]iPhone SE 3 (XNNPACK) [ms]Samsung Galaxy S24 (XNNPACK) [ms]Samsung Galaxy S21 (XNNPACK) [ms]

❌ - Insufficient RAM.