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Loading models

There are three different methods available for loading model files, depending on their size and location.

1. Load from React Native assets folder (For Files < 512MB)

modelSource: require('../assets/llama3_2.pte');

2. Load from remote URL:

For files larger than 512MB or when you want to keep size of the app smaller, you can load the model from a remote URL (e.g. HuggingFace).

modelSource: 'https://.../llama3_2.pte';

3. Load from local file system:

If you prefer to delegate the process of obtaining and loading model and tokenizer files to the user, you can use the following method:

modelSource: 'file::///var/mobile/.../llama3_2.pte',

The downloaded files are stored in documents directory of your application.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to load model and tokenizer files using useLLM hook:

import { useLLM } from 'react-native-executorch';

const llama = useLLM({
modelSource: 'https://.../llama3_2.pte',
tokenizerSource: require('../assets/tokenizer.bin'),

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