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Version: 1.x

Learning Resources


Gesture Handler Example App – official gesture handler "showcase" app.

Gesture Handler Example on Expo – the official app you can install and play with using Expo.

Talks and workshops

Declarative future of gestures and animations in React Native by Krzysztof Magiera - talk that explains motivation behind creating gesture handler library. It also presents react-native-reanimated and how and when it can be used with gesture handler.

React Native workshop with Expo team @ReactEurope 2018 by Brent Vatne – great workshop explaining gesture handler in details and presenting a few exercises that will help get you started.

Living in an async world of React Native by Krzysztof Magiera – talk which highlights some issue with the React Native's touch system Gesture Handler aims to address. Also the motivation for building this library is explained.

React Native Touch & Gesture by Krzysztof Magiera - talk explaining JS responder system limitations and points out some of the core features of Gesture Handler.