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Often in code, we operate on some assumptions about the possible values of variables. For example, we can perform greater than zero validations early in the code, and we can assume that variables are greater than zero in the subsequent code. Fuzzer allows providing such assumptions to avoid testing against values which are not covered by the code.

Cheatcode given, instructs the fuzzer to adopt a specific fuzzing strategy for input parameters. Such strategies are provided declaratively, by assigning strategies to the input parameters as on the example below.

func setup_integers() {
a = strategy.integers(10, 20),
b = strategy.integers(30, 40),
return ();

func test_integers{syscall_ptr : felt*, range_check_ptr}(a : felt, b : felt) {
assert_le(a, b);
return ();

This document is a guide to what strategies are available for generating examples and how to build them.

Core strategies

All core strategies are contained in the strategy cheatcode-namespace.


def felts(*, rc_bound: bool = False) -> Strategy: ...

By default, explores all possible felt values.

If keyword argument rc_bound is True, explores felts which can be passed to the range_check builtin. This narrows the range of explored values according to the parameters of Cairo runtime. Use this functionality, if fuzzed values will be passed to any of the assert_* functions from starkware.cairo.common.math module.


def integers(
min_value: Optional[int] = None,
max_value: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Strategy: ...

Generates integer values, possibly bounded by provided range.

strategy.integers(0, 100)

Fuzzer picks integers from provided range and then converts them to felts. If min_value is not None then all values will be greater than or equal to min_value, and if max_value is not None then all values will be less than or equal to max_value.


def short_strings() -> Strategy: ...

Generates strings with ASCII characters of length that passes the condition 0 <= length <= 31.


Max size 31 comes from the docs.


def uint256() -> Strategy: ...

Generates UInt256's. They can be used by map and filter as (named) tuples.

strategy.uint256().map(lambda x: (x.low // 30, x.high)).filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0)

Adapting strategies

Often it is the case that a strategy does not produce exactly what is desired, and it is necessary to further adapt the generated values. Although this could be done in tests directly, this hurts because fuzzer does not know about the adaptation and may repeatedly test the same values. The assume and reject cheatcodes provide simple interfaces to adapt an advanced strategy. Those are not very good considering the performance. Fuzzer can execute tests on rejected data anyway and will just ignore failure when it happens.

Protostar provides ways to build strategies by transforming other ones.


class Strategy:
def map(self, mapping_function: Callable[[int], int]) -> Strategy: ...

Applies provided mapping function to all searched inputs values.

strategy.felts().map(lambda x: x // 2)


class Strategy:
def filter(self, filter_function: Callable[[int], bool]) -> Strategy: ...

Rejects examples not matching a condition.

strategy.felts().filter(lambda x: x not in [3, 5, 8])

The outcome is similar to using the assume or reject cheatcodes, but filter does not require executing tested Cairo function and thus is more performant. Try to use filter only to avoid unwanted corner cases rather than attempting to cut out a large portion of the searched input values.

Fuzzer draws random data from the original strategy and only afterwards checks if it passes filter conditions. If too many variables are restricted, fuzzer will reject test execution.


def one_of(*strategies: Strategy) -> Strategy: ...

Returns a strategy which generates values from any of the argument strategies.

strategy.integers(0, 100),
strategy.integers(1000, 1200),