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Hookless implementation of the useObjectDetection hook.


import {
} from 'react-native-executorch';

const imageUri = 'path/to/image.png';

// Loading the model
await ObjectDetectionModule.load(SSDLITE_320_MOBILENET_V3_LARGE);

// Running the model
const detections = await ObjectDetectionModule.forward(imageUri);


load(modelSource: ResourceSource): Promise<void>Loads the model, where modelSource is a string that specifies the location of the model binary.
forward(input: string): Promise<Detection[]>Executes the model's forward pass, where input can be a fetchable resource or a Base64-encoded string.
onDownloadProgress(callback: (downloadProgress: number) => void): anySubscribe to the download progress event.

Type definitions

type ResourceSource = string | number;

interface Bbox {
x1: number;
x2: number;
y1: number;
y2: number;

interface Detection {
bbox: Bbox;
label: keyof typeof CocoLabel;
score: number;

Loading the model

To load the model, use the load method. It accepts the modelSource which is a string that specifies the location of the model binary. For more information, take a look at loading models page. This method returns a promise, which can resolve to an error or void.

Running the model

To run the model, you can use the forward method. It accepts one argument, which is the image. The image can be a remote URL, a local file URI, or a base64-encoded image. The method returns a promise, which can resolve either to an error or an array of Detection objects. Each object contains coordinates of the bounding box, the label of the detected object, and the confidence score.