Quick start
RNGH2 provides much simpler way to add gestures to your app. All you need to do is wrap the view that you want your gesture to work on with GestureDetector, define the gesture and pass it to detector. That's all!
Manual gestures
RNGH2 finally brings one of the most requested features: manual gestures and touch events. To demonstrate how to make a manual gesture we will make a simple one that tracks all pointers on the screen.
Testing with Jest
Mocking native modules
Custom swipeable components inside ScrollView (web)
While we recommend using our own ReanimatedSwipeable component, creating your own version of swipeable gives you more control over its behavior. Common issue here is that after creating your own swipeable component, scroll does not work. In that case, try adding touchAction set to "pan-y", like this:
Migrating off RNGHEnabledRootView
Update MainActivity.java
Upgrading to the new API introduced in Gesture Handler 2
Make sure to migrate off the RNGestureHandlerEnabledRootView (Android only)