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Version: 2.x

Testing with Jest

Mocking native modules

In order to load mocks provided by RNGH add following to your jest config in package.json:

"setupFiles": ["./node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/jestSetup.js"]


"jest": {
"preset": "react-native",
"setupFiles": ["./node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/jestSetup.js"]

Testing Gestures' and Gesture handlers' callbacks

RNGH provides an API for triggering selected handlers:

fireGestureHandler(gestureOrHandler, eventList)

Simulates one event stream (i.e. event sequence starting with BEGIN state and ending with one of END/FAIL/CANCEL states), calling appropriate callbacks associated with given gesture handler.



Represents either:

  1. Gesture handler component found by Jest queries (e.g. getByTestId)
  2. Gesture found by getByGestureTestId()


Event data passed to appropriate callback. RNGH fills event list if required data is missing using these rules:

  1. oldState is filled using state of the previous event. BEGIN events use UNDETERMINED value as previous event.
  2. Events after first ACTIVE state can omit state field.
  3. Handler specific data is filled (e.g. numberOfTouches, x fields) with defaults.
  4. Missing BEGIN and END events are added with data copied from first and last passed event, respectively.
  5. If first event don't have state field, the ACTIVE state is assumed.

Some examples:

const oldStateFilled = [
{ state: State.BEGAN },
{ state: State.ACTIVE },
{ state: State.END },
]; // three events with specified state are fired.

const implicitActiveState = [
{ state: State.BEGAN },
{ state: State.ACTIVE },
{ x: 5 },
{ state: State.END },
]; // 4 events, including two ACTIVE events (second one has overriden additional data).

const implicitBegin = [
{ x: 1, y: 11 },
{ x: 2, y: 12, state: State.FAILED },
]; // 3 events, including implicit BEGAN, one ACTIVE, and one FAILED event with additional data.

const implicitBeginAndEnd = [
{ x: 5, y: 15 },
{ x: 6, y: 16 },
{ x: 7, y: 17 },
]; // 5 events, including 3 ACTIVE events and implicit BEGAN and END events. BEGAN uses first event's additional data, END uses last event's additional data.

const allImplicits = []; // 3 events, one BEGIN, one ACTIVE, one END with defaults.


Extracted from RNGH tests, check Events.test.tsx for full implementation.

it('sends events with additional data to handlers', () => {
const panHandlers = mockedEventHandlers();
render(<SingleHandler handlers={panHandlers} treatStartAsUpdate />);
fireGestureHandler<PanGesture>(getByGestureTestId('pan'), [
{ state: State.BEGAN, translationX: 0 },
{ state: State.ACTIVE, translationX: 10 },
{ translationX: 20 },
{ translationX: 20 },
{ state: State.END, translationX: 30 },

expect.objectContaining({ translationX: 20 })


Returns opaque data type associated with gesture. Gesture is found via testID attribute in rendered components (see withTestID method).



String identifying gesture.


testID must be unique among components rendered in test.


See above example for fireGestureHandler.