lets you create animations that mimic objects in motion with friction. The animation will start with the provided velocity and slow down over time according to the given deceleration rate until it stops.
import { withDecay } from 'react-native-reanimated';
function App() {
sv.value = withDecay({ velocity: 1 });
// ...

Type definitions
type AnimatableValue = number | string | number[];
interface WithDecayConfig {
deceleration?: number;
velocity?: number;
clamp?: [number, number];
velocityFactor?: number;
rubberBandEffect?: boolean;
rubberBandFactor?: number;
reduceMotion?: ReduceMotion;
function withDecay(
userConfig: WithDecayConfig,
callback?: (finished?: boolean, current?: AnimatableValue) => void
): number;
enum ReduceMotion {
System = 'system',
Always = 'always',
Never = 'never',
The decay animation configuration.
Available properties:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
velocity Optional | number | 0 | Initial velocity of the animation. |
deceleration Optional | number | 0.998 | The rate at which the velocity decreases over time. |
clamp Optional* | [number, number] | [] | Array of two numbers which restricts animation's range. Animation stops when either bound is reached unless the rubberBandEffect option is set to true . *Required when rubberBandEffect is set to true . |
velocityFactor Optional | number | 1 | Velocity multiplier. |
rubberBandEffect Optional | boolean | false | Makes the animation bounce over the limit specified in clamp . |
rubberBandFactor Optional | number | 0.6 | Strength of the rubber band effect. |
reduceMotion Optional | ReduceMotion | ReduceMotion.System | A parameter that determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting. |
A function called on animation complete. In case the animation is cancelled, the callback will receive false
as the argument, otherwise it will receive true
returns an animation object which holds the current state of the animation. It can be either assigned directly to a shared value or can be used as a value for a style object returned from useAnimatedStyle.
- The callback passed to the 2nd argument is automatically workletized and ran on the UI thread.
Platform compatibility
Android | iOS | Web |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ |