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Version: 3.x

Shared Element Transitions


Shared Element Transitions is an experimental feature, not recommended for production use yet. We are waiting for your feedback to improve implementation.

Shared Element Transition allows you to smoothly transform a component from one screen into a component on another screen.


import Animated from 'react-native-reanimated';

const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();

function One({ navigation }) {
return (
<Button title="Two" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Two')} />

function Two({ navigation }) {
return (
<Button title="One" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('One')} />

export default function SharedElementExample() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: true }}>
<Stack.Screen name="One" component={One} />
<Stack.Screen name="Two" component={Two} />


When Reanimated detects that a component with a sharedTransitionTag is being mounted or unmounted, it tries to find the last registered view with the same sharedTransitionTag.

If it finds two matching components, it takes a snapshot of the styles for both components, and both shared views are detached from their parent and attached to a temporary transition container for the duration of the animation.

After the animation is complete, they are attached back to their original parent.

If you don't create a custom animation, all snapshot properties, including width, height, originX, originY, and transformMatrix, are animated by default with a duration of 500ms using the withTiming animation.


To create a shared transition animation between two components on different screens, simply assign the same sharedTransitionTag to both components. When you navigate between screens, the shared transition animation will automatically play.

If you want to use more than one shared view on the same screen, be sure to assign a unique shared tag to each component.

Screen A

style={{ width: 150, height: 150, backgroundColor: 'green' }}

Screen B

style={{ width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: 'green' }}

Custom animation

You can create a custom animation by using SharedTransition.custom for regular animations or SharedTransition.progressAnimation for progress-based animations.

import { SharedTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

const transition = SharedTransition.custom((values) => {
return {
height: withSpring(values.targetHeight),
width: withSpring(values.targetWidth),
.progressAnimation((values, progress) => {
const getValue = (
progress: number,
target: number,
current: number
): number => {
return progress * (target - current) + current;
return {
width: getValue(progress, values.targetWidth, values.currentWidth),
height: getValue(progress, values.targetHeight, values.currentHeight),

By combining these methods and setting defaultTransitionType(SharedTransitionType.ANIMATION), you specify that the custom animation will be used for screen transitions, while the progress-based animation will be applied during swipe back gesture (iOS only).

Setting defaultTransitionType(SharedTransitionType.PROGRESS_ANIMATION) will apply progress-based animation in both scenarios.

Then, to use it, simply pass your custom animation as sharedTransitionStyle prop to both your screen's components.

If you want even more customization, you can pass two different custom animations to two different component, as long as the components share the same sharedTransitionTag. In that case animation passed to component A will run when switching from A -> B, and animations passed to component B will run when switching from B -> A.

style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', width: 200, height: 100 }}


      <Pressable onPress={() => goToDetails('countryside')}>
{ backgroundColor: gallery.countryside.color },
<View style={styles.row}>
<Pressable onPress={() => goToDetails('florence')}>
{ width: width / 2 - 35 },
{ backgroundColor: gallery.florence.color },
<Pressable onPress={() => goToDetails('dawn')}>
{ width: width / 2 - 35 },
{ backgroundColor: gallery.dawn.color },


  • Only the native stack is supported.
  • You can only animate width, height, originX, originY, and transformMatrix properties when using the shared transition.
  • The layout for shared view children is not computed during the transition.
  • The current implementation supports only the old React Native architecture (Paper).
  • In the future we will introduce support for the new React Native architecture (Fabric).

Platform Compatibility
