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Version: 3.x


runOnRuntime lets you asynchronously run workletized functions on a separate worklet runtime on a separate thread.


import { createWorkletRuntime, runOnRuntime } from 'react-native-reanimated';

const workletRuntime = createWorkletRuntime('background');

function App() {
// E.g. in event handler or in an effect
runOnRuntime(workletRuntime, (greeting) => {
console.log(`${greeting} from a separate thread`);

// ...

Type definitions

function runOnRuntime<A extends any[], R>(
workletRuntime: WorkletRuntime,
fn: (...args: A) => R
): (...args: Parameters<typeof fn>) => void;



A reference to worklet runtime created with createWorkletRuntime.


A reference to a function you want to execute on the UI thread from the JavaScript thread. Arguments to your function have to be passed to the function returned from runOnUI i.e. runOnUI(myWorklet)(10);.


runOnRuntime returns a function that accepts arguments for the function passed as the first argument.


Don't forget to call the function returned from runOnRuntime.


  • It's a common mistake to execute function inside of runOnRuntime like this: runOnRuntime(myWorklet(10))(). Here, the correct usage would be runOnRuntime(myWorklet)(10).

  • The callback passed as the argument will not be workletized automatically. You need to add 'worklet'; directive manually to allow the function to be run on the UI thread.

  • You may call runOnRuntime on any runtime, including the RN runtime, UI runtime and other worklet runtimes.

  • The function passed to runOnRuntime will be added to an execution queue on a separate thread and executed asynchronously on the specified worklet runtime. The functions will be executed in the order they were added to the queue.

Platform compatibility
