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Version: 2.x


This hook allows for defining worklet handlers that can serve in a process of handling gestures.

Before you can use the hook, make sure that you have react-native-gesture-handler installed and configured with your project.


gestureHandlers [object with worklets]

The first argument to this hook is an object that can carry one or more worklet handlers. The handlers can be set under the following keys: onStart, onActive, onEnd, onFail, onCancel, onFinish.

Read more about gesture handling states in the Gesture Handler library documentation. Each of the specified handlers will be triggered depending on the current state of the attached Gesture Handler. The handler worklet will receive the following arguments:

  • event [object] - event object carrying the event payload. The payload will be different depending on the type of the Gesture Handler to which the worklet is attached (PanGestureHandler, RotationGestureHandler, etc.). Please check the documentation section on the selected handler type to learn about the event structure.

  • context [object] - plain JS object that can be used to store some state. This object will persist in between events and across worklet handlers for all the selected states and you can read and write any data to it.

dependencies [Array]

Optional array of values which changes cause this hook to receive updated values during rerender of the wrapping component. This matters when, for instance, worklet uses values dependent on the component's state.


const App = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
const sv = useSharedValue(0);

const handler = useAnimatedGestureHandler(
onEnd: (_) => {
sv.value = state;
return <></>;

dependencies here may be:

  • undefined(argument skipped) - worklet will be rebuilt if there is any change in any of the callbacks' bodies or any values from their closure(variables from outer scope used in worklet),
  • empty array([]) - worklet will be rebuilt only if any of the callbacks' bodies changes,
  • array of values([val1, val2, ..., valN]) - worklet will be rebuilt if there is any change in any of the callbacks' bodies or in any values from the given array.


The hook returns a handler object that can be attached to one of the gesture handler components provided by the react-native-gesture-handler library. The handler should be passed under onGestureEvent parameter regardless of what gesture states we are interested in processing.

Note: Since version 2.10.0 of react-native-gesture-handler, to use this hook on web, you have to pass returned handler object to both onGestureEvent and onHandlerStateChange parameters.


In the below example we use PanGestureHandler to register for pan gesture events performed on the rendered View. We attach three handler worklets that are going to be triggered when the gesture starts, when it is active and the user is panning, and when the gesture is over. We create a shared value x that will correspond to the x-translation of the box. In onStart handler worklet we use context to save the current value of x and therefore remember the place at which the gesture started. When the user is panning, in onActive handler we update the translation by taking the starting point remembered in context object and adding the translation that is coming from the gesture. Finally, in onEnd handler we initiate an animation that'd make the box return to the initial point.

Thanks to the context object, where we remember the initial position, the interaction can be made interruptible. That is, we can continue the gesture from the place where we pick up the box, regardless of whether it is in the middle of animating back to the initial point.

import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';
import { PanGestureHandler } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';

function App() {
const x = useSharedValue(0);

const gestureHandler = useAnimatedGestureHandler({
onStart: (_, ctx) => {
ctx.startX = x.value;
onActive: (event, ctx) => {
x.value = ctx.startX + event.translationX;
onEnd: (_) => {
x.value = withSpring(0);

const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
transform: [
translateX: x.value,

return (
<PanGestureHandler onGestureEvent={gestureHandler}>
<Animated.View style={[, animatedStyle]} />