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Version: 2.x



useAnimatedSensor is available since v2.5.0

With the useAnimatedSensor hook, you can easily create cool interactive animations based on data from sensors in the device such as gyroscope, accelerometer etc.

useAnimatedSensor(sensorType: [SensorType], config?: [UserConfig]) -> [AnimatedSensor]


sensorType - [SensorType]

You can select the sensor available in [SensorType] enum.

config - [UserConfig]

Optionally, you can pass configuration to customize the sensor behavior.


Hook useAnimatedSensor returns an instance of [AnimatedSensor];


AnimatedSensor: [object]


  • sensor: [SharedValue] contains [3DVector] or [RotationVector] or null
    contains actual sensor measurements as a shared value
  • unregister: [function]
    allows you to stop listening to sensor updates
  • isAvailable: [boolean]
    the flag contains information on the availability of sensors in a device
  • config: [UserConfig]
    the configuration provided by a user

SensorType: [enum]

SensorType is an enum that contains possibly supported sensors. Values:

    measurements output as [3DVector]. Measured in m/s², excluding gravity.
    measurements output as [3DVector]. Measured in rad/s.
    measurements output as [3DVector]. Measured in m/s².
    measurements output as [3DVector]. Measured in μT.
    measurements output as [RotationVector]. [qx, qy, qz, qw] is a normalized quaternion. [yaw, pitch, roll] are rotations measured in radians along respective axes. We follow the iOS convention.

UserConfig: [object]


  • interval: [number | auto] - interval in milliseconds between shared value updates. Pass 'auto' to select interval based on device frame rate. Default: 'auto'.
  • iosReferenceFrame: [[IOSReferenceFrame](#iosreferenceframe-enum)] - reference frame to use on iOS. Default: Auto.
  • adjustToInterfaceOrientation: [boolean] - whether to adjust measurements to the current interface orientation. For example, in the landscape orientation axes x and y may need to be reversed when drawn on the screen. It's true by default.

IOSReferenceFrame: [enum]

IOSReferenceFrame is an enum describing reference frame to use on iOS. It follows Apple's documentation. Possible values:

  • XArbitraryZVertical
  • XArbitraryCorrectedZVertical
  • XMagneticNorthZVertical
  • XTrueNorthZVertical
  • Auto - on devices without magnetometer (for example iPods) XArbitraryZVertical, on devices with magnetometer XArbitraryCorrectedZVertical

3DVector: [object]


  • x: number
  • y: number
  • z: number
  • interfaceOrientation: [[InterfaceOrientation](#interfaceorientation-enum)]

RotationVector: [object]


  • qw: number
  • qx: number
  • qy: number
  • qz: number
  • yaw: number
  • pitch: number
  • roll: number
  • interfaceOrientation: [[InterfaceOrientation](#interfaceorientation-enum)]

InterfaceOrientation: [enum]


  • ROTATION_0 - default rotation on Android, portrait orientation on iOS
  • ROTATION_90 - 90 degrees rotation on Android, landscape right orientation on iOS (landscape and home button on the right)
  • ROTATION_180 - 180 degrees rotation on Android, upside down orientation on iOS
  • ROTATION_270 - 270 degrees rotation on Android, landscape left orientation on iOS (landscape and home button on the left)


function UseAnimatedSensorExample() {
const animatedSensor = useAnimatedSensor(SensorType.ROTATION, {
interval: 10,
}); // <- initialization
const style = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
const yaw = Math.abs(animatedSensor.sensor.value.yaw);
const pitch = Math.abs(animatedSensor.sensor.value.pitch);
return {
height: withTiming(yaw * 200 + 20, { duration: 100 }), // <- usage
width: withTiming(pitch * 200 + 20, { duration: 100 }), // <- usage

return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<Animated.View style={[{ backgroundColor: 'black' }, style]} />

Live example



On iOS, if you want to read sensor data you need to enable location services on your device (Settings > Privacy > Location Services).