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Version: 2.x


This hook is a counterpart of useAnimatedStyle hook, but works for a non-style view properties. It allows for defining a set of native view properties that can be updated on the UI thread as a response to a Shared Value change. Similarly to useAnimatedStyle, this hook takes a single worklet (it is not necessary to add worklet directive here, because the method will be converted to worklet automatically). The provided worklet is responsible for returning a object with view properties.

Only "native" properties of "native views" can be set via useAnimatedProps. The most common use case for this hook is when we want to animate properties of some third-party native component, since most of the properties for the core React Native components are a part of the styles anyways (at least the properties for which it makes sense to be animated). You can use the following functions to animate properties that Reanimated don't support by default:

  1. addWhitelistedNativeProps() is used to animate properties that trigger layout recalculation, you can find them here.

  2. addWhitelistedUIProps() is used for properties that are updated directly on the UI thread, currently allowed props are listed here.

In order to connect the useAnimatedProps hook result to a view, you need to pass it as animatedProps property to the Animated version of the component (e.g., Animated.View). The animatedProps property is added when a native component is wrapped with Animated.createAnimatedComponent.

If the animated props worklet uses any shared values, it will be executed upon these values updates and the connected view will be updated.

In the example below we use react-native-svg package and animate one of the native properties of SVG views:


import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';
import Svg, { Path } from 'react-native-svg';

const AnimatedPath = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Path);

function App() {
const radius = useSharedValue(50);

const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => {
// draw a circle
const path = `
M 100, 100
m -${radius.value}, 0
a ${radius.value},${radius.value} 0 1,0 ${radius.value * 2},0
a ${radius.value},${radius.value} 0 1,0 ${-radius.value * 2},0
return {
d: path,

// attach animated props to an SVG path using animatedProps
return (
<AnimatedPath animatedProps={animatedProps} fill="black" />


In some third-party libraries(but also may happen in users' custom components), props are named differently on the API layer than they really are underneath. This tool lets users handle such situations by defining a proper way to convert specific props.

Note: It is recommended to create adapters outside of components. createAnimatedPropAdapter is not a hook and should not be called on every component's rerender.


adapter [Function]

Required parameter, this is a function that would receive an object of props that are supposed to be updated on the UI thread. The function itself doesn't have to return anything - modifying the received object is enough.

nativeProps [Array]

A list of props that should be added to NATIVE_THREAD_PROPS_WHITELIST.


class Hello extends React.Component {
render() {
return <Text style={{ fontSize: this.props.helloSize }}>Hello</Text>;

const AnimatedHello = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Hello);

const adapter = createAnimatedPropAdapter(
(props) => {
if (Object.keys(props).includes('helloSize')) {
props.fontSize = props.helloSize;
delete props.helloSize;

export default function Component() {
const sv = useSharedValue(14);
const helloProps = useAnimatedProps(
() => ({ helloSize: sv.value }),

return <AnimatedHello animatedProps={helloProps} />;