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Version: 4.x


This is a hook that lets you compose useEvent-based event handlers (such as useAnimatedScrollHandler or your own custom ones) into a single, combined event handler.


import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';

function ComposedEventHandlerExample() {
const onScrollHandler1 = useAnimatedScrollHandler({
onScroll(e) {
console.log('Scroll handler 1 onScroll event');

const onScrollHandler2 = useAnimatedScrollHandler({
onScroll(e) {
console.log('Scroll handler 2 onScroll event');

const composedHandler = useComposedEventHandler([

return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Animated.ScrollView style={styles.scroll} onScroll={composedHandler}>
<Content />

Type definitions

function useComposedEventHandler(
handlers: (EventHandlerProcessed<Event, Context> | null)[]
): ComposedHandlerProcessed<Event, Context>;



An array of event handlers created using useEvent hook. useComposedEventHandler hook reacts to any changes in given handlers and rebuilds whenever it is needed.


The hook returns a handler object that can be hooked into any Animated component. The handler should be passed to a corresponding onEvent prop (e.g. onScroll when working with scroll-related handlers). If your composed handler aggregates multiple events that have little in common, put it into a new property, e.g. "composedHandler". It will still work, but the best practice here would be to use several composed handlers for code clarity.


  • The hook returns a handler that combines functionalities of all the handlers given as an argument. This way, you can have more than one handler responding to a given event, as well as handle many different type events using just one object.
  • It will still work well when passed to multiple Animated components, firing event callbacks for each connected component.

Platform compatibility
