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Version: 4.x

Keyframe animations

Keyframes are animation definition schemas that let you create complex animations. They allow you more flexibility than standard Entering and Exiting presets.


import { Keyframe } from 'react-native-reanimated';

const keyframe = new Keyframe({
0: {
transform: [{ rotate: '0deg' }],
45: {
transform: [{ rotate: '100deg' }],
easing: Easing.exp,
100: {
transform: [{ rotate: '45deg' }],

function App() {
return <Animated.View entering={keyframe} />;

Type definitions

type FirstFrame =
| {
0: KeyframeProps & { easing?: never };
from?: never;
| {
0?: never;
from: KeyframeProps & { easing?: never };

type LastFrame =
| { 100?: KeyframeProps; to?: never }
| { 100?: never; to: KeyframeProps };

export type ValidKeyframeProps = FirstFrame &
LastFrame &
Record<number, KeyframeProps>;

class Keyframe {
constructor(definitions: ValidKeyframeProps;
duration(durationMs: number): Keyframe;
delay(delayMs: number): Keyframe;
reduceMotion(reduceMotionV: ReduceMotion): Keyframe;
withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void): Keyframe;



An object, that contains definitions of your animation. The object keys should be within range 0-100 and correspond to animation progress. The object values should consist of style props and optionally of an easing function. If easing property is not provided, it defaults to Easing.linear.

The keys take the following values:

  • 0 or from: Initial state of the object.
  • Middle points (e.g., 45): Intermediate states of the object.
  • 100 or to: Final state of the object.

The key 0 (or from) should be assigned the style that you want for your object at the beginning of the animation. The key 100 (or to) should be assigned the style that you want for your object at the end of the animation.


.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(durationMs: number) is the length of the animation (in milliseconds). Defaults to 500.
  • .delay(durationMs: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


  • Providing keyframe 0 or from is required as it contains the initial state of the object you want to animate.
  • Ensure you provide the initial value for all style properties you want to animate in other keyframes.
  • If you want to add easing to an animation between two keyframes you have to pass it to the second one. As a result you should never provide any easing to keyframe 0.
  • Do not provide both 0 and from, or 100 and to keyframes, as it will result in a parsing conflict.
  • If you want to animate transform style, make sure that all properties in the transformation array are in the same order in all keyframes.



Platform compatibility
