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Version: 4.x


useSharedValue lets you define shared values in your components.


import { useSharedValue } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
const sv = useSharedValue(100);

// read a shared value

// and modify it
sv.value += 50;

Type definitions

interface SharedValue<Value = unknown> {
value: Value;
get(): Value;
set(value: Value | ((value: Value) => Value)): void;
addListener: (listenerID: number, listener: (value: Value) => void) => void;
removeListener: (listenerID: number) => void;
modify: (
modifier?: <T extends Value>(value: T) => T,
forceUpdate?: boolean
) => void;

function useSharedValue<Value>(initialValue: Value): SharedValue<Value>;



The value you want to store initially in the shared value. It can be any JavaScript value like number, string or boolean but also data structures such as array and object.


useSharedValue returns a shared value initially set to the initialValue.

You can access data stored in the shared value with either its value property or get and set methods.

React Compiler support

When working with the React Compiler, you should refrain from accessing and modifying the value property directly. Instead, use the get and set methods. They're the alternative API for useSharedValue, compliant with the React Compiler standards.

function App() {
const sv = useSharedValue(100);

const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return { width: sv.get() * 100 };

const handlePress = () => {
sv.set((value) => value + 1);




  • Don't read or modify the value of a shared value during a component's render. Access to value property or calling get/set methods is a side-effect. Triggering side-effects during render violates the Rules of React. All reads from and writes to a shared value should happen in relevant callbacks which aren't executed during render, i.e. in useAnimatedStyle or useEffect hooks.

  • When you change the sv.value Reanimated will update the styles and keep the shared value in sync between the threads. However, this won't trigger a typical React re-render because a shared value is a plain JavaScript object.

  • When you read the sv.value on the JavaScript thread, the thread will get blocked until the value is fetched from the UI thread. In most cases it will be negligible, but if the UI thread is busy or you are reading a value multiple times, the wait time needed to synchronize both threads may significantly increase.

  • When you change the sv.value the update will happen synchronously on the UI thread. On the other hand, on the JavaScript thread the update is asynchronous. This means when you try to immediately log the value after the change it will log the previously stored value.

function App() {
const sv = useSharedValue(100); // initially set 100

sv.value += 50; // changing value stored in a shared value

console.log(sv.value); // will still log 100
  • Stay away from destructuring assignment when working with shared values. While this is a completely valid JavaScript code it will make Reanimated unable to keep the reactivity of a shared value.
function App() {
let { value } = sv; // don't do this

console.log(value); // you can read the value just fine

value += 50; // but this won't update the styles
  • When storing objects in a shared value, make sure to reassign an object instead of changing the properties individually.
function App() {
const sv = useSharedValue({ x: 0, y: 0 });

sv.value.x = 50; // Reanimated loses reactivity 🚨

sv.value = { x: 50, y: 0 }; // ✅
  • When storing large arrays or complex objects in a shared value, you can use .modify method to alter the existing value instead of creating a new one.
function App() {
const sv = useSharedValue([1, 2, 3]);

sv.value.push(1000); // Reanimated loses reactivity 🚨

sv.value = [, 1000]; // works, but creates a new copy ⚠️

sv.modify((value) => {
value.push(1000); // ✅
return value;

Platform compatibility
