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Version: 4.x


runOnUI lets you asynchronously run workletized functions on the UI thread.

Most commonly used either with an useEffect to start an animation on component mount/unmount or with measure and scrollTo functions which have implementations only on the UI thread.


import { runOnUI } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
// E.g. in event handler or in an effect
runOnUI((greeting) => {
console.log(`${greeting} from the UI thread`);

// ...

Type definitions

function runOnUI<A extends any[], R>(
fn: (...args: A) => R
): (...args: Parameters<typeof fn>) => void;



A reference to a function you want to execute on the UI thread from the JavaScript thread. Arguments to your function have to be passed to the function returned from runOnUI i.e. runOnUI(myWorklet)(10);.


runOnUI returns a function that accepts arguments for the function passed as the first argument.


Don't forget to call the function returned from runOnUI.




  • When implementing your animations you should first reach for more general solutions such as useDerivedValue, useAnimatedReaction or running code in gesture callbacks and only use runOnUI after you've tried other methods.

  • It's a common mistake to execute function inside of runOnUI like this: runOnUI(myWorklet(10))(). Here, the correct usage would be runOnUI(myWorklet)(10).

  • The callback passed as the argument is automatically workletized and ready to be run on the UI thread.

  • Make sure not to execute runOnUI on the UI thread as this will result in an error.

  • In browsers there's no separate UI thread available. Because of that, on the Web, runOnUI behaves similarly to requestAnimationFrame. It creates a function that, when called, will be scheduled to run with given arguments on next animation frame.

Platform compatibility
