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Version: 4.x


animationDelay lets you specify the length of time to wait before animation starts. Defaults to 0.



function App() {
return (
animationName: {
'100%': {
transform: [{ rotateZ: '180deg' }],
animationDuration: '100ms',
animationDelay: 500,

Type definitions

type TimeUnit = `${number}s` | `${number}ms` | number;

type CSSAnimationDelay = TimeUnit | TimeUnit[];


<time unit>

A value which is either:

  • A string which is a number followed by s. Represents a time in seconds.
animationDelay: '3s';
  • A string which is a number followed by ms. Represents a time in milliseconds.
animationDelay: '-150ms';
  • A number which represents a time in milliseconds.
animationDelay: 500;

<time unit[]>

An array of time units. The order in this array corresponds to the array of style properties passed to the animationName.

animationDelay: ['3s', '-150ms', 500];
animationName: [bounceIn, move, slide];

In the following example, bounceIn keyframe would be delayed by 3 seconds, move would start 150 milliseconds into the animation, and slide would be delayed by 500 milliseconds.




  • A negative delay causes the animation to begin immediately, but partway through its cycle. For example, if your animation lasts for 10 seconds and you set animationDelay to -5s, the animation starts in the halfway of its length.

Platform compatibility
