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Version: 4.x

Layout transitions

Layout transitions allows you to replace layout changes with smooth transitions. Each layout change may include changes of size and position and both of them can be animated.


Predefined Transitions

Below we listed all of the currently available predefined layout transitions with their layout animation modifiers.

Linear transition

Linear transition animates both position and dimension in the same way.


import { LinearTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return <Animated.View layout={LinearTransition} />;



Easing modifiers are time-based modifiers that relay on withTiming function.

  • .easing(easingFunction: EasingFunction) is an easing function which defines the animation curve. Defaults to Easing.inOut(Easing.quad)

The .easing(...) modifiers have no effect when .springify() is used.


Spring-based modifiers relay on withSpring function. Just as in withSpring config, spring-based modifiers can be physics-based (have mass and damping modifiers) or duration-based (have duration and dampingRatio modifiers).


The mass and damping (physics-based) properties can't be used at the same time as duration and dampingRatio (duration-based).

When used together duration and dampingRatio overrides mass and damping props.

  • .springify() enables the spring-based animation configuration.
  • .damping(value: number) decides how quickly a spring stops moving. Higher damping means the spring will come to rest faster. Defaults to 10.
  • .dampingRatio(value: number) decides how damped the spring is. Value 1 means the spring is critically damped, and value >1 means the spring is overdamped. Defaults to 0.5.
  • .mass(value: number) is the weight of the spring. Reducing this value makes the animation faster. Defaults to 1.
  • .rotate(degree: string) lets you rotate the element.
  • .stiffness(value: number) decides how bouncy the spring is - the higher the number, the less bouncy it is. Defaults to 100.
  • .overshootClamping(value: boolean) decides whether a spring can bounce over the designated position. Defaults to false.
  • .restDisplacementThreshold(value: number) is the displacement below which the spring will snap to the designated position without further oscillations. Defaults to 0.001.
  • .restSpeedThreshold(value: number) is the speed in pixels per second below which the spring will snap to the designated position without further oscillations. Defaults to 2.


.withInitialValues({ transform: [{ translateY: 420 }] })
.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(duration: number) sets length of the animation (in milliseconds). Defaults to '300'.
  • .delay(duration: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withInitialValues(values: StyleProps) allows to override the initial config of the animation.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


  • The animation will end if both the animation speed is below restSpeedThreshold and the distance to its end is less than restDisplacementThreshold. Keep in mind that if you haven't set one of the thresholds, its value will be set to the default.


Sequenced Transition

Sequenced transition animates x-position and width first, then y-position and height.


import { SequencedTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return <Animated.View layout={SequencedTransition} />;


.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(duration: number) sets length of the animation (in milliseconds). Defaults to '500'.
  • .delay(duration: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .reverse() determines if the animation should run in reverse. Defaults to false.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


Fading Transition

Fading transition animates the opacity of component. It will disappear while having previous position and dimensions and appear with new ones.


import { FadingTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return <Animated.View layout={FadingTransition} />;


.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(duration: number) sets length of the animation (in milliseconds). Defaults to '500'.
  • .delay(duration: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


Jumping Transition

Jumping transition makes components "jump" to the new position.


import { JumpingTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return <Animated.View layout={JumpingTransition} />;


.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(duration: number) sets length of the animation (in milliseconds). Defaults to '300'.
  • .delay(duration: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


Curved Transition

Curved transition enables animation of all parameters (X, Y, width, height) with different easing each. It makes component movement path look curved.


import { CurvedTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return <Animated.View layout={CurvedTransition} />;


.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(duration: number) sets length of the animation (in milliseconds). Defaults to '300'.
  • .delay(duration: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .easingX(easing: EasingFunction) defines easing animation for x-position.
  • .easingY(easing: EasingFunction) defines easing animation for y-position.
  • .easingWidth(easing: EasingFunction) defines easing animation for width.
  • .easingHeight(easing: EasingFunction) defines easing animation for height.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


  • Length of the duration is shared for all of the easings.


Entry/Exit Transition

Entry/Exit transition lets you choose layout animations for entering and exiting. It combines both of them into a one and applies to the layout. Moreover, instead of picking currently available animations, you are welcome to create your own one.


import { EntryExitTransition } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return <Animated.View layout={EntryExitTransition} />;


.withCallback((finished) => {
console.log(`finished without interruptions: ${finished}`);
  • .duration(duration: number) sets length of the animation (in milliseconds). Default depends on entry/exit animation.
  • .delay(duration: number) is the delay before the animation starts (in milliseconds). Defaults to 0.
  • .exiting(animation) determines animation shown when element is removed from position. Defaults to FadeOut.
  • .entering(animation) determines animation shown when element is added to new position. Defaults to FadeIn.
  • .reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion) determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting.
  • .withCallback(callback: (finished: boolean) => void) is the callback that will fire after the animation ends. Sets finished to true when animation ends without interruptions, and false otherwise.


  • Duration equals sum of entering and exiting durations.


Platform compatibility
