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Generating documentation

scarb doc is a tool that generates documentation based on the code comments. Generation supports different output formats. The result is being placed inside the /target/doc.

Supported output formats

  • Markdown. Fully supported by mdBook. (Default)
  • Custom JSON

Available types of comments

As for now, we support those types of comments:

  • /// documentation for following item.
  • //! documentation for enclosing item (also works with file modules).

the /// and //! comment prefixes are supported.

Item linkage

You can also link to another item's page by just refering the item within the documentation comment. Currenctly we support only those types of links:

  • [ItemName] and [`ItemName`] (where ItemName is a valid path to an item).


Generated markdown can be used to create a documentation book. Requirements:

  • Install mdBook by running cargo install mdbook.
  • Run scarb doc inside the project root.
  • Run mdbook build (or mdbook serve) inside the generated documentation target (/target/doc/<PACKAGE-NAME>).


Let's take, for example, a simple Cairo project initalized using scarb new. Let's change the code inside lib.cairo to:

//! This module is an example one.
//! It tries to show how documentation comments work.

/// Example Enum. It's really similar to [ExampleStruct]
enum ExampleEnum {
    /// First enum variant.
    /// Second enum variant.

/// Example struct. Contains a public field and a private one.
struct ExampleStruct {
    /// Private field.
    field_a: felt252,
    /// Public field.
    pub field_b: felt252,
    /// [`ExampleEnum`] field
    field_c: ExampleEnum

/// Function that prints "test" to stdout with endline.
/// Can invoke it like that:
/// ```cairo
///     fn main() {
///         test();
///     }
/// ```
fn test() {

/// Main function that Cairo runs as a binary entrypoint.
/// This function uses [test] function.
fn main() {
    //! This is an inner comment. It refers to it's parent which is the main function.

After running scarb doc, inside the target directory, you will see the generated documentation in mdBook format which consists of:

  • The src directory, which contains the contents of your book in files with markdown format.
  • The book.toml which contains contains settings for describing how to build your book.

Running scarb doc --output-format json will result in a single JSON file inside the target directory with collected documentation inside.

Cairo code highlighting using mdBook

By default, mdBook generated documentation doesn't support Cairo code highlighting. To make it work, just replace the generated book/highlight.js with this one.