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Scarb comes with a built-in Cairo source code formatter:

scarb fmt

If you use continuous integration workflows in your project, you can also add a step to ensure the Cairo code is properly formatted:

scarb fmt --check

Alternatively, you can use the --emit stdout argument. With this argument, Scarb will not make any changes to the files on your disk. Instead, full new content of formatted files will be printed to stdout, prepended with their path. Files that had already been in a correct format will not be emitted. This may be useful for integrating with some external tools.

You can choose packages to format with --package / --workspace arguments. When formatting a package, all cairo files in package root and directories below will be formatted (not only the src/* directory).

Formatting options

You can add [tool.fmt] section inside Scarb.toml to override the default formatter configuration.

sort-module-level-items = true

Available configuration option

  • sort-module-level-items

    Reorder import statements alphabetically in groups (a group is separated by a newline).
    Default: true

  • max-line-length

    Maximum width of each line.
    Default: 100

  • tab-size

    Number of spaces per tab.
    Default: 4

Ignoring files

By default, Scarb will format all files with a .cairo extension from the directory containing the manifest file and all the subdirectories. If you want to ignore some paths while formatting, you can create a .cairofmtignore files with appropriate rules. The format of these files is the same as the one used by .gitignore files. You can create multiple ignore files on different levels of your directory structure, identically as you would do with .gitignore files.

Additionally, files ignored by the .gitignore files will be omitted as well.

Ignoring lines

Mark statements or expressions with #[cairofmt::skip] attribute to omit them during formatting. See example below:

let a = array![