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Version: 4.x


ReducedMotionConfig component let's you change behavior in response to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting. By default it disables all animation when the reduced motion is enabled on a device. You can adjust it for your specific use case. You can learn more about Accessibility and useReducedMotion in Reanimated.


The new configuration will be applied globally across the entire application.


import { ReducedMotionConfig, ReduceMotion } from 'react-native-reanimated';

function App() {
return (
// ...
<ReducedMotionConfig mode={ReduceMotion.Never} />
// ...

Type definitions

interface ReducedMotionConfigProps {
mode: ReduceMotion;

enum ReduceMotion {
System = 'system',
Always = 'always',
Never = 'never',



A parameter that determines how animations should behave in response to the device's reduce motion accessibility setting.

  • ReduceMotion.System - This value adjusts the animation behavior based on whether the reduced motion accessibility setting is activated on the device. When enabled, the animation is disabled; otherwise, it remains active.
  • ReduceMotion.Always - With this setting, the animation is consistently disabled, regardless of the device's accessibility configuration.
  • ReduceMotion.Never - This option ensures that the animation remains enabled at all times.



Platform compatibility
