
Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait

pub trait ByteArrayTrait

Trait functions


Appends a single word of len bytes to the end of the ByteArray. This function assumes that: 1. word could be validly converted to a bytes31 which has no more than len bytes of data. 2. len <= BYTES_IN_BYTES31. If these assumptions are not met, it can corrupt the ByteArray. Thus, this should be a private function. We could add masking/assertions but it would be more expensive. # Examples

let mut ba = "";
ba.append_word('word', 4);
assert!(ba == "word");

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_word

fn append_word(ref self: ByteArray, word: felt252, len: usize)


Appends a ByteArray to the end of another ByteArray. # Examples

let mut ba: ByteArray = "1";
assert!(ba == "12");

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append

fn append(ref self: ByteArray, other: @ByteArray)


Concatenates two ByteArray and returns the result. The content of left is cloned in a new memory segment. # Examples

let ba = "1";
let other_ba = "2";
let result = ByteArrayTrait::concat(@ba, @other_ba);
assert!(result == "12");

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::concat

fn concat(left: @ByteArray, right: @ByteArray) -> ByteArray


Appends a single byte to the end of the ByteArray. # Examples

let mut ba = "";
assert!(ba == "0");

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_byte

fn append_byte(ref self: ByteArray, byte: u8)


Returns the length of the ByteArray. # Examples

let ba: ByteArray = "byte array";
let len = ba.len();
assert!(len == 10);

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::len

fn len(self: @ByteArray) -> usize


Returns an option of the byte at the given index of self or Option::None if the index is out of bounds. # Examples

let ba: ByteArray = "byte array";
let byte =;
assert!(byte == 98);

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::at

fn at(self: @ByteArray, index: usize) -> Option<u8>


Returns a ByteArray with the reverse order of self. # Examples

let ba: ByteArray = "123";
let rev_ba = ba.rev();
assert!(rev_ba == "321");

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::rev

fn rev(self: @ByteArray) -> ByteArray


Appends the reverse of the given word to the end of self. This function assumes that: 1. len < 31 2. word is validly convertible to bytes31 of length len. # Examples

let mut ba: ByteArray = "";
ba.append_word_rev('123', 3);
assert!(ba == "321");

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_word_rev

fn append_word_rev(ref self: ByteArray, word: felt252, len: usize)


Appends a single word of len bytes to the end of the ByteArray, assuming there is enough space in the pending word (self.pending_word_len + len < BYTES_IN_BYTES31). word is of type felt252 but actually represents a bytes31. It is represented as a felt252 to improve performance of building the ByteArray.

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_word_fits_into_pending

fn append_word_fits_into_pending(ref self: ByteArray, word: felt252, len: usize)


Appends a single word to the end of self, given that 0 < split_index < 16. split_index is the number of bytes left in self.pending_word after this function. This is the index of the split (LSB's index is 0). Note: this function doesn't update the new pending length of self. It's the caller's responsibility.

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_split_index_lt_16

fn append_split_index_lt_16(ref self: ByteArray, word: felt252, split_index: usize)


Appends a single word to the end of self, given that the index of splitting word is exactly 16. split_index is the number of bytes left in self.pending_word after this function. This is the index of the split (LSB's index is 0). Note: this function doesn't update the new pending length of self. It's the caller's responsibility.

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_split_index_16

fn append_split_index_16(ref self: ByteArray, word: felt252)


Appends a single word to the end of self, given that the index of splitting word is > 16. split_index is the number of bytes left in self.pending_word after this function. This is the index of the split (LSB's index is 0). Note: this function doesn't update the new pending length of self. It's the caller's responsibility.

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_split_index_gt_16

fn append_split_index_gt_16(ref self: ByteArray, word: felt252, split_index: usize)


A helper function to append a remainder to self, by: 1. completing self.pending_word to a full word using complete_full_word, assuming it's validly convertible to a bytes31 of length exactly BYTES_IN_BYTES31 - self.pending_word_len. 2. Setting self.pending_word to new_pending. Note: this function doesn't update the new pending length of self. It's the caller's responsibility.

Fully qualified path: core::byte_array::ByteArrayTrait::append_split

fn append_split(ref self: ByteArray, complete_full_word: felt252, new_pending: felt252)