
This module contains the storage-related types and traits for Cairo contracts. It provides abstractions for reading and writing to Starknet storage. The front facing interface for the user is simple and intuitive, for example consider the following storage struct:

struct Storage {
    a: felt252,
    b: Map<felt252, felt52>,
    c: Map<felt52, Map<felt52, felt52>>,

The user can access the storage members a and b using the following code:

fn use_storage(self: @ContractState) {
    let a_value =;
    // For a Map, the user can use the `entry` method to access the value at a specific key:
    let b_value = self.b.entry(42).read();
    // Or simply pass the key to the `read` method:
    let b_value =;
    // Accessing a nested Map must be done using the `entry` method, either:
    let c_value = self.c.entry(42).entry(43).read()
    // Or:
    let c_value = self.c.entry(42).read(43);

Under the hood, the storage access is more complex. The life cycle of a storage object is as follows: 1. The storage struct of a contract is represented by a FlattenedStorage struct, which can be derefed into a struct containing a member for each storage member of the contract. This member can be either a StorageBase or a FlattenedStorage instance. Members are represented as a FlattenedStorage if the storage member is attributed with either #[substorage(v0)] (for backward compatibility) or #[flat]. FlattenedStorage is used to structure the storage access; however, it does not affect the address of the storage object. 2. StorageBase members of a FlattenedStorage struct hold a single felt252 value, which is the Keccak hash of the name of the member. For simple types, this value will be the address of the member in the storage. 3. StorageBase members are then converted to StoragePath instances, which are essentially a wrapper around a HashState instance, used to account for more values when computing the address of the storage object. StoragePath instances can be updated with values coming from two sources:- Storage nodes, which are structs that represent another struct with all its members in the storage, similar to FlattenedStorage. However, unlike FlattenedStorage, the path to the storage node does affect the address of the storage object. See StorageNode for more details.

  • Storage collections, specifically Map and Vec, simulate the behavior of collections by updating the hash state with the key or index of the collection member. After finishing the updates, the StoragePath instance is finalized, resulting in aStoragePointer0Offset instance, which is a pointer to the address of the storage object. Ifthe pointer is to an object of size greater than 1, the object is stored in a sequentialmanner starting from the address of the pointer. The whole object can be read or writtenusing read and write methods, and specific members can also be accessed in the case of astruct. See SubPointers for more details.The transitioning between the different types of storage objects is also called from theDeref trait, and thus, allowing an access to the members of the storage object in a simpleway.The types mentioned above are generic in the stored object type. This is done to providespecific behavior for each type of stored object, e.g., a StoragePath of Map type will havean entry method, but it won't have a read or write method, as Map is not storable byitself, only its values are.The generic type of the storage object can also be wrapped with a Mutable type, whichindicates that the storage object is mutable, i.e., it was created from a ref contract state,and thus the object can be written to.

Fully qualified path: core::starknet::storage


