Asserts that an Ethereum signature is valid for a given message hash and Ethereum address. Also verifies that the r
and s
components of the signature are in the range [1, N)
, where N is the size of the curve. # Argumentsmsg_hash
- The 32-byte hash of the message that was signed * signature
- The Ethereum signature containing r
, s
components and y_parity
* eth_address
- The expected Ethereum address of the signer # PanicsPanics if: * The signature components are out of range (not in [1, N) where N is the curve order) * The recovered address doesn't match the provided address # Examples
use starknet::eth_address::EthAddress;
use starknet::eth_signature::verify_eth_signature;
use starknet::secp256_trait::Signature;
let msg_hash = 0xe888fbb4cf9ae6254f19ba12e6d9af54788f195a6f509ca3e934f78d7a71dd85;
let r = 0x4c8e4fbc1fbb1dece52185e532812c4f7a5f81cf3ee10044320a0d03b62d3e9a;
let s = 0x4ac5e5c0c0e8a4871583cc131f35fb49c2b7f60e6a8b84965830658f08f7410c;
let y_parity = true;
let eth_address: EthAddress = 0x767410c1bb448978bd42b984d7de5970bcaf5c43_u256
verify_eth_signature(msg_hash, Signature { r, s, y_parity }, eth_address);
Fully qualified path: core::starknet::eth_signature::verify_eth_signature
pub fn verify_eth_signature(msg_hash: u256, signature: Signature, eth_address: EthAddress)