
Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait

pub trait EcPointTrait

Trait functions


Creates a new EC point from its (x, y) coordinates. # Argumentsx - The x-coordinate of the point * y - The y-coordinate of the point # ReturnsReturns None if the point (x, y) is not on the curve. # Examples

let point = EcPointTrait::new(
    x: 336742005567258698661916498343089167447076063081786685068305785816009957563,
    y: 1706004133033694959518200210163451614294041810778629639790706933324248611779,

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::new

fn new(x: felt252, y: felt252) -> Option<EcPoint>


Creates a new NonZero EC point from its (x, y) coordinates.

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::new_nz

fn new_nz(x: felt252, y: felt252) -> Option<NonZeroEcPoint>


Creates a new EC point from its x coordinate. # Argumentsx - The x-coordinate of the point # ReturnsReturns None if no point with the given x-coordinate exists on the curve. # PanicsPanics if x is 0, as this would be the point at infinity. # Examples

let valid = EcPointTrait::new_from_x(1);
let invalid = EcPointTrait::new_from_x(0);

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::new_from_x

fn new_from_x(x: felt252) -> Option<EcPoint>


Creates a new NonZero EC point from its x coordinate.

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::new_nz_from_x

fn new_nz_from_x(x: felt252) -> Option<NonZeroEcPoint>


Returns the coordinates of the EC point. # ReturnsA tuple containing the (x, y) coordinates of the point. # PanicsPanics if the point is the point at infinity. # Examples

let point_nz = EcPointTrait::new_nz_from_x(1).unwrap();
let (x, _y) = point_nz.coordinates();
assert!(x == 1);

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::coordinates

fn coordinates(self: NonZeroEcPoint) -> (felt252, felt252)


Returns the x coordinate of the EC point. # PanicsPanics if the point is the point at infinity. # Examples

let point_nz = EcPointTrait::new_nz_from_x(1).unwrap();
let x = point_nz.x();
assert!(x == 1);

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::x

fn x(self: NonZeroEcPoint) -> felt252


Returns the y coordinate of the EC point. # PanicsPanics if the point is the point at infinity. # Examples

let gen_point =
let y = gen_point.y();
assert!(y == 0x5668060aa49730b7be4801df46ec62de53ecd11abe43a32873000c36e8dc1f);

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::y

fn y(self: NonZeroEcPoint) -> felt252


Computes the product of an EC point by the given scalar. # Argumentsscalar - The scalar to multiply the point by # ReturnsThe resulting point after scalar multiplication.

Fully qualified path: core::ec::EcPointTrait::mul

fn mul(self: EcPoint, scalar: felt252) -> EcPoint