
Computes the keccak of input + last_input_num_bytes LSB bytes of last_input_word. To use this function, split the input into words of 64 bits (little endian). For example, to compute keccak('Hello world!'), use: inputs = [8031924123371070792, 560229490](8031924123371070792, 560229490) where: 8031924123371070792 == int.from_bytes(b'Hello wo', 'little') 560229490 == int.from_bytes(b'rld!', 'little') Returns the hash as a little endian u256.

Fully qualified path: core::keccak::cairo_keccak

pub fn cairo_keccak(
    ref input: Array<u64>, last_input_word: u64, last_input_num_bytes: usize,
) -> u256