
Computes the keccak of the input.The input must be a multiple of 1088 bits (== 17 u64 words) * The input must be pre-padded following the Keccak padding rule (pad10*1): 1. Add a '1' bit 2. Add zero or more '0' bits 3. Add a final '1' bit The total length after padding must be a multiple of 1088 bits # Argumentsinput - Array of 64-bit words (little endian) to be hashed. # ReturnsThe keccak hash as a little-endian u256

Fully qualified path: core::starknet::syscalls::keccak_syscall

pub extern fn keccak_syscall(
    input: Span<u64>,
) -> SyscallResult<u256> implicits(GasBuiltin, System) nopanic;