
A trait for indexing operations (container[index]) where the input type is mutated. This trait should be implemented when you want to implement indexing operations on a type that's mutated by a read access. This is useful for any type depending on a Felt252Dict, where dictionary accesses are modifying the data structure itself. container[index] is syntactic sugar for container.index(index). # Examples The following example implements Index on a Stack type. This Stack is implemented based on a Felt252Dict, where dictionary accesses are modifying the dictionary itself. As such, we must implement the Index trait instead of the IndexView trait. Felt252Dict: core::dict::Felt252Dict

use core::ops::Index;

[derive(Destruct, Default)]
struct Stack {
    items: Felt252Dict<u128>,
    len: usize

impl StackImpl of StackTrait {
    fn push(ref self: Stack, item: u128) {
        self.items.insert(self.len.into(), item);
        self.len += 1;

impl StackIndex of Index<Stack, usize> {
     type Target = u128;

     fn index(ref self: Stack, index: usize) -> Self::Target {
         if index >= self.len {
             panic!("Index out of bounds");

let mut stack: Stack = Default::default();
assert!(stack[0] == 1);

Fully qualified path: core::ops::index::Index

pub trait Index<C, I>

Trait functions


Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. # Panics May panic if the index is out of bounds.

Fully qualified path: core::ops::index::Index::index

fn index(ref self: C, index: I) -> Self::Target

Trait types


The returned type after indexing.

Fully qualified path: core::ops::index::Index::Target

type Target;