
Basic trait for the Felt252Dict type.

Fully qualified path: core::dict::Felt252DictTrait

pub trait Felt252DictTrait<T>

Trait functions


Inserts the given value for the given key. # Examples

use core::dict::Felt252Dict;

let mut dict: Felt252Dict<u8> = Default::default();
dict.insert(0, 10);

Fully qualified path: core::dict::Felt252DictTrait::insert

fn insert<+Destruct<T>>(ref self: Felt252Dict<T>, key: felt252, value: T)


Returns the value stored at the given key. If no value was previously inserted at this key, returns the default value for type T. # Examples

use core::dict::Felt252Dict;

let mut dict: Felt252Dict<u8> = Default::default();
dict.insert(0, 10);
let value = dict.get(0);
assert!(value == 10);

Fully qualified path: core::dict::Felt252DictTrait::get

fn get<+Copy<T>>(ref self: Felt252Dict<T>, key: felt252) -> T


Squashes a dictionary and returns the associated SquashedFelt252Dict. # Examples

use core::dict::Felt252Dict;

let mut dict: Felt252Dict<u8> = Default::default();
dict.insert(0, 10);
let squashed_dict = dict.squash();

Fully qualified path: core::dict::Felt252DictTrait::squash

fn squash(self: Felt252Dict<T>) -> SquashedFelt252Dict<T> nopanic


Retrieves the last entry for a certain key. This method takes ownership of the dictionary and returns the entry to update, as well as the previous value at the given key. # Examples

use core::dict::Felt252Dict;

let mut dict: Felt252Dict<u8> = Default::default();
dict.insert(0, 10);
let (entry, prev_value) = dict.entry(0);
assert!(prev_value == 10);

Fully qualified path: core::dict::Felt252DictTrait::entry

fn entry(self: Felt252Dict<T>, key: felt252) -> (Felt252DictEntry<T>, T) nopanic